東京大学GS+I 総括寄付講座公開シンポジウム

2nd UT-KFUPM Workshop on Large Scale Solar Power Generation

The University of Tokyo
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, KSA

Date and Time

September 28, 2012 (FRI)

Free admission

Inquiry: info@utgsi.jp

Organized by:Global Solar⁺Initiative (GS+I)
Co-organized by:Policy Alternatives Research Institute(PARI)

Division of University Corporate Relations(DUCR)

About Symposium


Stringent pressure of demand increases for energy, especially electric power, in KSA, which has the potential of rapidly depleting the oil exporting capacity of the Kingdom, is emerging. Converting solar energy to electricity through PV and CSP technology has been accepted worldwide as a potential alternative to conventional power generation. Solar power is one of the most promising renewable energy sources especially in the low latitudes arid area such as the KSA.


The objective of the workshop is to explore the potential and problems of very large scale solar power generation systems in the KSA as well as to evaluate the impact of implementation of such innovative systems to the society.


1.“Global Solar+ Initiative (GS+I)” and the role of KSA
2.Technical trend and future of solar power generation
3.Cutting edge technology of the multi-junction solar cell
4.Hyper large scale solar power generation systems design
5.Project management for hyper large scale solar power generation
6.Potential problems in hyper large scale solar power generation
7.Social impact of hyper large scale solar power generation in KSA


Message from Co-leader of the Presidential endowed chair for Global Solar+ Initiative
昨年のDhahranでの第1回WSを受け,このたび第2回WSを東京大学においてGS+Iの主催で開催いたしました.近年のサウジアラビアにおける人口増加と経済成長によるエネルギー需要,特に電力需要の伸びは著しく,世界の原油貿易の2割弱を占める同国の原油の輸出余力を減耗させ,2020年代後半には現状の石油生産量のほぼすべてが国内で消費されるとの予測も出されています.サウジアラビアのような低緯度乾燥地域では太陽エネルギーは化石燃料代替の切り札です.このWSは,サウジアラビアにおける理系の大学の最高峰であるKFUPM(King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals,ファハド国王石油鉱物資源大学)と東京大学が連携して,GWクラスを念頭に置いたPV(太陽光発電)及びCSP(太陽熱発電)の可能性と問題点を洗い出し,それらを大規模に社会に導入することによる影響を評価することを目的としています.当日はトルキスターニサウジアラビア駐日大使をはじめ,サウジ大使館文化部,サウジアラムコ関係者,また,サウジ本国からはK.A.CARE(King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy)からもご参加いただき,多くの一般参加者の方々も交え活発な質疑応答がなされました.


※ Click PDF to download documents.

9:30 – 9:40 Opening Address
Dr. Yoshiaki Nakano
Professor, Co-leader of the Presidential endowed chair for Global Solar+ Initiative, Director General of RCAST (Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology), The University of Tokyo
9:40 – 9:50 Complimentary Address
H.E. Dr. Abdulaziz A. Turkistani
Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Japan

9:50 – 10:20 Cooperative relationship between KSA and Japan in education and technology
  Dr. Essam Bukhary
(Cultural Attachè, Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia Cultural Office)


10:40 – 11:20 Social impacts of the incorporation of solar-solar hybrid systems in KSA
Dr. Gento Mogi
(Associate Professor, Co-leader of the Presidential endowed chair for Global Solar+ Initiative, Department of Technology Management for Innovation, The University of Tokyo)


13:30 – 14:10 Hyper large scale PV/CPV power generation systems in desert area
Dr. Hiroshi Morimoto
Solar System Group, Sharp Corporation


14:10 – 14:50 Mega Solar Power Development
Mr. Toru Shirota
General Manager, Business Development Sales Department Global Marketing, JGC


15:10 – 15:40 Photovoltaic research in KSA
Dr. Syed Ahmed M. Said
(Professor, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals)


15:40 – 16:20 Post 3/11 status quo of renewable energy in Japan
Mr. Shinichi Kihara
(Director for International Affairs, Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Dept., Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE))


16:20 – 17:00 Sustainable Global Energy Systems based on Solar Power
Dr. Yoshiaki Nakano
(Professor, Co-leader of the Presidential endowed chair for Global Solar+ Initiative, Director General of RCAST (Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology), The University of Tokyo)


17:00 – 17:10 Closing remarks
Dr. Yoichiro Matsumoto
Professor, Vice President, The University of Tokyo

University of Tokyo
DBJ Jpower