東京大学 総括寄付講座 太陽光

The University of Tokyo carries out innovative R&D projects in close cooperation with industries, universities and research institutes, both domestic and overseas, in the aim of establishing a global sustainable system by using the abundant solar energy.


[Event Archive] 2nd UT-KFUPM Workshop on Large Scale Solar Power Generation
September 28, 2012
The University of Tokyo & King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, KSA

(Updated on 10/22/2012)

"SolChES 2012"
(SolChES Website)

The first international workshop on chemical energy storage for solar energy indispensible for the next generation energy system.

(Updated on 6/1/2012)

The 2nd Energy Policy Roundtable 2012

(will open The Policy Alternative Research Institute website. Updated on 4/9/2012)

Renewable energy:
Mere Solutions for Future World

Professor Yoshiaki Nakano
- Joint Chair of GS+I
- Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST)

The core of clean energy system will be renewable energy, especially the effective use of sun light energy.
To convert solar energies such as sun light, thermal, wind and wave to electrical power and use it as replacement of fossile fuels are the key concepts for the fondation of 21st century growth.

Growth Scenario for the 21st Century

Professor Gento Mogi
- Joint Chair of GS+I
- Graduate Course of Technology Management for Innovation, School of Engineering

20th Century growth has been achieved based on social acceptance of limitless usage of resources including the environment as public goods, labor force, natural resource, and endless abundant investment of financial capital as well as logistics and communication that resulted in reduction of unevenness in regional distribution. However, as we entered 21st century, it is increasingly more often being pointed out that the growth will no longer be sustainable in near future due to the limit of global environment tolerance and the depletion of fossil fuels.

University of Tokyo
DBJ Jpower Sumitomo Electric Industries